
Although Judgment Records may eventually show up on a standard credit report, the link you’ll enjoy through Good Landlords, Inc. will connect you immediately with the Blount County Justice Center. We all prefer good tenants who take care of our properties and pay their bills on time. When they don’t, creditors will soon have them in court. Your link to public records will reveal unpaid debts, garnishments, and damage to properties caused by your perspective tenants. Our experience with the Blount County General Session’s employees has taught us they're on top of their game. Both civil and criminal updates are posted promptly. Our members receive the most recent records and payments of outstanding Judgements against potential renters.
As stated earlier, Good Landlords, Inc. maintains a direct link with the public information computer at the Blount County Detention Center. Access to this database provides members with current public information regarding prospective tenants. If you’re prospective tenant has a habit of going to jail every few weeks for belligerent behavior, that’s certainly something any property owner should be aware of. In addition, a prospective tenant with a history of shoplifting, DUI’s, possession, or assault is something most landlords wish to avoid.
If you’ve been a landlord for awhile, you’ll know that some people are used to being evicted. Often they’ll rotate from one uninformed landlord to another, leaving a wake of frustration, empty pockets, and a mess to clean up. Detainer Warrants are the legal method of ridding yourself of these unwanted tenants. They’re expensive, they’re time consuming, and they’re something every landlord wishes to avoid. If your prospective tenant falls into this category, your search in local public records will reveal it, saving you money and time. The best way to avoid these tenants is to know their rental history.
Whether you have a property for sale or for rent, get it seen by listing it on this site. You can include up to five pictures of the property and enjoy enough text space to describe the benefits, cost, location, and contact information for just $25.00 for a 30 Day listing. We promote the site on Facebook and local projects like the Blount County School's Partners for Kids Campaign to encourage viewers. In addition, if you have a property for sale, why not show it directly to a group of seasoned property investors?
Our members enjoy attending educational and informative meetings and discussions involving the rental industry. During a time when more and more individuals are finding rewards in owning income producing properties, Good Landlords, Inc. is a method of knowing all an investor can know about the industry. Real estate is one of the few things a person can purchase and someone else pays the bills. It builds assets and produces income for retirement and success. Any person with the means of extra income and the vision of a comfortable future should invest in income producing properties. Being informed of changes in the industry and new laws that may affect the business only makes since for serious investors.
It’s been a long known fact that there is safety in numbers. Being part of the largest property owner group in Blount has its advantages. During the past dozen years we've influenced clarification in laws that affect our industry, built a rapport with area officials and demonstrated our members are better informed than the average landlord.